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- Out of Stock
- Corporate Gifting
- ₹1,600.00
- Plain Cake Rusk Almond Roasted Cookies Italian Biscotti Tandoori Almond Cookies Roasted Cashew Nuts Cookies Pista Walnut
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- Corporate Gifting
- ₹430.00
- Choker Bran Biscuits Jeera Butter Cookies Naan Khatai Peanut Chocolate Cookies Almond Top
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- Corporate Gifting
- ₹775.00
- Tandoori Butter Cookies Chco Chip Cookies Almond Top Cookies Akhrot Giri Pista
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- Corporate Gifting
- ₹450.00
- Jeera Salted Square Biscuit Choco Chip Cookies Almond Top Cookies Multigrain Cookies
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- Corporate Gifting
- ₹2,350.00
- Almond Roasted Cookies Australian Cookies Butter Pista Cookies Choco Chip Cookies Coconut Cookies Cornflakes Cookies Oats Raisin Cookies Gur Raagi Cookies Premium Peanut Biscuit Premium Sweet Flower Biscuit Assorted Chocolate (9Pcs) Herbal Green Tea Raagi Magic Masala Corn Triangles Magic Masala Pudina Makhana Chocolate Popcorn Jeera Salted Square Biscuit
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- Cookies
G GUR RAGI Cookies (350 Gms)
- ₹299.00
- Made for everyone: Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any religious or health concerns Anytime Snacking: Our Cookies are individually pillow packed for a perfect crunch in every bite anytime, anywhere. Our special packaging also ensures that you don’t need to store the Cookies in air-tight containers as…
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- Corporate Gifting, Special Gift Packs
- ₹2,900.00
- Almond Roasted Australian Cookies Butter Pista Chocochip Cookies Coconut Cookies Cornflakes Cookies Italain Cookies Oats Raisin Cookies Premium Gur Ragi Cookies Premium Cake Rusk Premium Tutty Fruitty Biscuits Herbal Green Tea
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- Out of Stock
- Corporate Gifting
- ₹1,200.00
- Tandoori Almond Cookies Roasted Cashew Nuts Cookies Chocochip Cookies Almond Nuts Cashew Nuts
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- Corporate Gifting, Special Gift Packs
Individually Pillow-pack Cookies
- ₹349.00
- At Lovely Bake Studio, the Corporate Gifting Box is a testament to sophistication and sweetness combined. Imagine a beautifully crafted box filled with an exquisite assortment of delectable treats, from artisanal cookies to luxurious chocolates, all meticulously designed to leave a lasting impression. Each item is a delightful blend of flavors, carefully curated to elevate the gifting experience. Whether you're…
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- Corporate Gifting
- ₹249.00
- Vanilla Cookies Sweet Pretzel Cookies Sweet Swirl Cookies
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- Out of Stock
- Corporate Gifting
- ₹1,550.00
- Premium Cake Rusk Herbal Green Tea Butter Pista Cookies Oats & Raisins Cookies Nutty Cashew Delight Garlic Rusk Gur Raagi Cookie
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- Corporate Gifting
- ₹950.00
- Cornflakes Cookies Oats & Raisins Cookies Plain Almonds Cashew Nuts
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- Corporate Gifting
- ₹2,700.00
- Herbal Green Tea American Dry Cake Choco Khatai Bran Cookies Choconut Cookies Peanut Chocolate Cookies Ajwain Salted Cookies Plain Cake Rusk Almond Roasted Cookies Italian Biscotti Tandoori Almond Cookies Roasted Cashew Nuts Cookies Pista Walnut
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- Out of Stock
- Corporate Gifting
- ₹2,200.00
- Premium Chana Ladoo Shahi Delight Ladoo Premium Ladoo Gulab Gulkand Ladoo Roasted Kaju Roasted Badam Kishmish Badam Lachha Tandoori Butter Cookies Almond Roasted Cookies
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- Out of Stock
- Corporate Gifting
- ₹1,995.00
- Crunchy Munchy Chocolate Dark Bournvita Chocolate Strawberry Chocolate Double Mazza Chocolate Roasted Kaju Roasted Badam Kishmish Badam Lachha Tandoori Butter Cookies Almond Roasted Cookies
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- Corporate Gifting
- ₹750.00
- Raspberry Chocolate Cappuccino Chocolate Hazelnut Chocolate Cashew Chocolate Ball Almond Chocolate Rock
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- Uncategorized
- ₹399.00
- Coconut Cookies Australian Anzac Cookies Oats & Raisins Cookies Roasted Almonds Cookies
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- Organic Cookies
Oragnic Oats & Raisins Cookies
- Our classic guilt-free Organic Oatmeal Raisin Cookies are made with Fiber rich Oats and laden with Raisins for a sweet twist! Relish them guilt free with your loved one’s. .main-div { text-align: center; margin: 0px auto; padding: 5px; border-radius: 10px; } .block { padding: 5px; float: left; width: 25%; } .block img { width: 80%; } .block:hover { transform: scale(1.3);…
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- Biscuits
Ajwain Salted Biscuits (400 gms)
- ₹160.00
- Make your tea-time special with a delicious twist of Aijwan. Bite into a mesmerizing crunch in every bite baked to perfection! Loved by all ages: Our delicious range of Biscuits are a perfect amalgamation of the old world charm and the new age taste. Anytime Snacking: Our Biscuits are individually pillow packed for a perfect crunch in every bite anytime,…
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- Sweets
Almond Nutty Delight (400 gms)
- ₹449.00
- Our signature sweet is made with premium Almonds, pure Honey, milk andloads of love for a royal taste like never before! Loved by all ages! Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P…
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- Cookies
Almond Roasted Cookies (200gms)
- ₹200.00
- Meet our superstar! A winner at YUMMEX DUBAI 2018 for the best product of the year, enjoy the amazing taste of high quality Almonds roasted and baked to perfection for a taste like never before! Made for everyone: Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any religious or health…
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- Out of Stock
- Sweets
Cashew Nutty Delight (400 gms)
- ₹449.00
- Our signature sweet is made with premium Cashews, pure Honey, milk andloads of love for a royal taste like never before. Loved by all ages! Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P…
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- Out of Stock
- Special Gift Packs
Shubh Utsav
- ₹249.00
- A tempting festive collection of 100% eggless Cookies made with premium ingredients, dry fruits in melt in your mouth flavours relished by everyone in the family Premium Packaging : Our luxurious packaging makes it a perfect gift for every occasion! Celebration Themes : Choose from our collection of special Festive designs and delight your loved ones Loved by all ages…
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- Out of Stock
- Special Gift Packs
Celebrations 350 Gms
- ₹495.00
- A luxurious festive collection of 100% eggless Cookies made with premium ingredients, dry fruits in tempting International flavours of Coconut, Almonds Roasted, Cornflakes and Butter Pista! Premium Packaging: Our luxurious International tin packaging makes it a perfect gift for every occasion! Celebration Themes: Choose from our collection of special Festive designs and delight your loved ones Loved by all ages:…
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- Out of Stock
- Special Gift Packs
European Delights 350 Gms
- ₹495.00
- A luxurious festive collection of 100% eggless Cookies made with premium ingredients, dry fruits in tempting International flavours of Coconut, Almonds Roasted, Cornflakes and Butter Pista! Premium Packaging: Our luxurious International tin packaging makes it a perfect gift for every occasion! Celebration Themes: Choose from our collection of special Festive designs and delight your loved ones Loved by all ages:…
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- Out of Stock
- Special Gift Packs
Almond Roasted Cookies (250g)
- ₹375.00
- Meet our superstar! A winner at YUMMEX DUBAI 2018 for the best product of the year, enjoy the amazing taste of high quality Almonds roasted and baked to perfection for a taste like never before! Premium Packaging : Our luxurious packaging makes it a perfect gift for every occasion! Celebration Themes : Choose from our collection of special Festive designs…
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- Cookies
Almond Roasted 60 Gms
- ₹65.00
- Meet our superstar! A winner at YUMMEX DUBAI 2018 for the best product of the year, enjoy the amazing taste of high quality Almonds roasted and baked to perfection for a taste like never before! Made for everyone: Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any religious or health…
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- Sale!
- Subscription
Break Time Special Combo Pack (3 Months)
₹2,100.00Original price was: ₹2,100.00.₹1,995.00Current price is: ₹1,995.00. - • Add the perfect crunch to your tea-time with our 100% Eggless Cookies Combo Pack • Enjoy melt-in-your-mouth flavours of Chocochip, Almonds Roasted, Australian Anzacs and Butter Pista! • Every Cookie is individually pillow-packed for a perfect crunch in every bite, anytime, anywhere • Loved by all ages! Share with your family, treat your friends and serve to guests •…
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- Sale!
- Subscription
Break Time Special Combo Pack (6 Months)
₹4,200.00Original price was: ₹4,200.00.₹3,780.00Current price is: ₹3,780.00. - • Add the perfect crunch to your tea-time with our 100% Eggless Cookies Combo Pack • Enjoy melt-in-your-mouth flavours of Chocochip, Almonds Roasted, Australian Anzacs and Butter Pista! • Every Cookie is individually pillow-packed for a perfect crunch in every bite, anytime, anywhere • Loved by all ages! Share with your family, treat your friends and serve to guests •…
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- Sale!
- Subscription
The Munch Partner Combo Pack (3 Months)
₹1,320.00Original price was: ₹1,320.00.₹1,254.00Current price is: ₹1,254.00. - • Add the perfect crunch to your tea-time with our 100% Eggless Cookies Combo Pack • Enjoy melt-in-your-mouth flavours of Almonds Roasted, Butter Pista and Coconut! • Every Cookie is individually pillow-packed for a perfect crunch in every bite, anytime, anywhere • Loved by all ages! Share with your family, treat your friends and serve to guests • Try our…
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- Sale!
- Subscription
The Munch Partner Combo Pack (6 Months)
₹2,640.00Original price was: ₹2,640.00.₹2,376.00Current price is: ₹2,376.00. - • Add the perfect crunch to your tea-time with our 100% Eggless Cookies Combo Pack • Enjoy melt-in-your-mouth flavours of Almonds Roasted, Butter Pista and Coconut! • Every Cookie is individually pillow-packed for a perfect crunch in every bite, anytime, anywhere • Loved by all ages! Share with your family, treat your friends and serve to guests • Try our…
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- Out of StockSale!
- Subscription
Tempting Tin Pack Combo (3 Months)
₹2,100.00Original price was: ₹2,100.00.₹1,995.00Current price is: ₹1,995.00. - • An exquisite collection of 100% Eggless Cookies made with hand picked ingredients and dry fruits in tempting flavors of Almond Roasted and Chocochip • Premium Tin Packaging makesit easy to store at home and a perfect gift for family and friends • Every Cookie is individually pillow-packed for a perfect crunch in every bite • Loved by all ages!…
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- Out of StockSale!
- Subscription
Tempting Tin Pack Combo (6 Months)
₹4,200.00Original price was: ₹4,200.00.₹3,780.00Current price is: ₹3,780.00. - • An exquisite collection of 100% Eggless Cookies made with hand picked ingredients and dry fruits in tempting flavors of Almond Roasted and Chocochip • Premium Tin Packaging makesit easy to store at home and a perfect gift for family and friends • Every Cookie is individually pillow-packed for a perfect crunch in every bite • Loved by all ages!…
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- Out of StockSale!
- Subscription
Assorted Cookies Combo Pack (3 Months)
₹0.00Original price was: ₹0.00.₹0.00Current price is: ₹0.00. - • An exquisite collection of 100% Eggless ssorted Cookies made withhand picked ingredients and dry fruits in tempting flavors of Chocochip, Almond Roasted, Australian Anzacs, Coconut and Cornflakes! • Premium Tin Packaging makesit easy to store at home and a perfect gift for family and friends • Every Cookie is individually pillow-packed for a perfect crunch in every bite •…
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- Out of StockSale!
- Subscription
Assorted Cookies Combo Pack (6 Months)
₹0.00Original price was: ₹0.00.₹0.00Current price is: ₹0.00. - • An exquisite collection of 100% Eggless ssorted Cookies made withhand picked ingredients and dry fruits in tempting flavors of Chocochip, Almond Roasted, Australian Anzacs, Coconut and Cornflakes! • Premium Tin Packaging makesit easy to store at home and a perfect gift for family and friends • Every Cookie is individually pillow-packed for a perfect crunch in every bite •…
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- Biscuits
Atta Biscuits (350 gms)
- ₹150.00
- Remember your childhood days with our Aata Biscuits made in our original traditional recipe in pure desi ghee. Baked to perfection for a melt in your mouth taste in every bite! Loved by all ages: Our delicious range of Biscuits are a perfect amalgamation of the old world charm and the new age taste. Anytime Snacking: Our Biscuits are individually…
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- Subscription
Dip in Tea Happiness Pack (3 Months)
₹2,745.00Original price was: ₹2,745.00.₹2,607.75Current price is: ₹2,607.75. - • Add the perfect crunch to your tea-time with our 100% Eggless Cookies& Biscuits Combo Pack • Enjoy the sweet n salty flavours of delicious Jeera and Aiwain Salted Biscuits, Desi Ghee Aata and plain Aata Biscuit and our award winning Almond Roasted Cookies! • Every piece is individually pillow-packed for a perfect taste in every bite, anytime, anywhere •…
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- Sale!
- Subscription
Dip in Tea Happiness Pack (6 Months)
₹5,490.00Original price was: ₹5,490.00.₹4,941.00Current price is: ₹4,941.00. - • Add the perfect crunch to your tea-time with our 100% Eggless Cookies& Biscuits Combo Pack • Enjoy the sweet n salty flavours of delicious Jeera and Aiwain Salted Biscuits, Desi Ghee Aata and plain Aata Biscuit and our award winning Almond Roasted Cookies! • Every piece is individually pillow-packed for a perfect taste in every bite, anytime, anywhere •…
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- Rusks
Atta Rusk (350 gms)
- ₹80.00
- Take a trip down memory lane with our original AataRusks . Made in our traditional recipe with premium ingredients and double toasted to perfection for a perfect crunch in every bite Everyone’sfavourite: Our tempting range of Rusks are light, tasty, crunchy and loved by everyone in the family! Tea-Time Partner: Dip our double toasted Rusks in hot steaming tea. Let…
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- Cookies
Australian Anzac Cookies (200gms)
- ₹150.00
- A cookie loved by all ages! Our Australian Anzacs are made with the goodness of premium Cashews baked to perfection for a delicious taste in very bite.These dreamy cookies are a perfect serve for tea-time with guests and family! Made for everyone : Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all…
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- Cookies
Australian Cookies 60 Gms
- ₹45.00
- A cookie loved by all ages! Our Australian Anzacs are made with the goodness of premium Cashews baked to perfection for a delicious taste in very bite.These dreamy cookies are a perfect serve for tea-time with guests and family! Made for everyone : Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all…
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- Sweets
Badam Chana Burfi (400 gms)
- ₹375.00
- Relish your favourite Barfi with the goodness of Almonds mixed with roasted chana and milk for a melt-in-your-mouth experience! Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging) technology which increases…
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- Sweets
Besan Ladoo (350 gms)
- ₹199.00
- An all time favourite Ladoo made with goodness of Besan roasted to perfection and ready to delight you in every bite! Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging) technology…
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- Namkeen
Bhakarwadi (250 gms)
- ₹99.00
- A bit tangy, a bit spicy, a bit sweet.Relish our bite-sized besan rolls stuffed with delicious filling and perfectly toasted spices for a finger licking taste in every bite Perfect family Snack – Our tempting namkeens are loved by all ages. Made with premium ingredients, perfectly toasted spices and original recipes, it promises taste to remember! Treat your hunger pangs…
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- Rusks
Butter Atta Rusk (150 gms)
- ₹40.00
- Old-school traditional atta rusks made in original yester years recipe for a taste just like it use to be!
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- Rusks
Butter Elaichi Rusk (150 gms)
- ₹40.00
- Give your tea-time the crispy taste of our delicious Elaichi Butter Rusks. Made with hand picked Cardamons (Elaichi), pure butter and double toasted to perfection, its an absolute cracker in bite Everyone’sfavourite: Our tempting range of Rusks are light, tasty, crunchy and loved by everyone in the family! Tea-Time Partner: Dip our double toasted Rusks in hot steaming tea. Let…
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- Cookies
Butter Pista Cookies (200 gms)
- ₹200.00
- Our Butter Pista Cookies are crunchy, buttery, tasteful and made in tempting squares. Filled with premium Pista chunks (Pistachios) and baked to perfect golden browns for a flavourful taste in every bite! Made for everyone: Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any religious or health concerns Anytime Snacking:…
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- Out of Stock
- Special Gift Packs
Butter Pista Cookies (250g)
- ₹375.00
- A collection of crunchy, buttery, tasteful Butter Pista Cookies made in tempting squares. Filled with premium Pista chunks (Pistachios) and baked to perfect golden browns for a flavourful taste in every bite! Premium Packaging : Our luxurious packaging makes it a perfect gift for every occasion! Celebration Themes : Choose from our collection of special Festive designs and delight your…
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- Cookies
Butter Pista Cookies 60 Gms
- ₹60.00
- Our Butter Pista Cookies are crunchy, buttery, tasteful and made in tempting squares. Filled with premium Pista chunks (Pistachios) and baked to perfect golden browns for a flavourful taste in every bite! Made for everyone: Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any religious or health concerns Anytime Snacking:…
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- Namkeen
Chakli Sticks (250 gms)
- ₹125.00
- Enjoy our zesty Chakli sticks for a delicious sweet and spicy snack anytime, anywhere. Tossed with premium spices and baked to perfection for a mesmerizing taste in every bite Perfect family Snack – Our tempting namkeens are loved by all ages. Made with premium ingredients, perfectly toasted spices and original recipes, it promises taste to remember! Treat your hunger pangs…
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- Out of Stock
- Sweets
Kaju Choco Burfi
- ₹350.00
- A perfect mix of tradition and modern. Taste mesmerizing Chocolate now in your favouriteBarfi Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging) technology which increases shelf life without any additional…
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- Cookies
Chocochip Cookies (200 gms)
- ₹150.00
- Meet our best seller! A delicious medley of Chocolate and Cookie oozing with melt-in-your-mouth Chocochips baked to perfection for an amazing taste in every bite! Made for everyone: Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any religious or health concerns Anytime Snacking: Our Cookies are individually pillow packed for…
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- Out of Stock
- Special Gift Packs
Chocochip Cookies (250g)
- ₹325.00
- Meet our best seller! A delicious medley of Chocolate and Cookie oozing with melt-in-your-mouth Chocochips baked to perfection for an amazing taste in every bite! Premium Packaging : Our luxurious packaging makes it a perfect gift for every occasion! Celebration Themes : Choose from our collection of special Festive designs and delight your loved ones Loved by all ages :…
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- Cookies
Chocochip Cookies (60 gms)
- ₹45.00
- Meet our best seller! A delicious medley of Chocolate and Cookie oozing with melt-in-your-mouth Chocochips baked to perfection for an amazing taste in every bite! Made for everyone: Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any religious or health concerns Anytime Snacking: Our Cookies are individually pillow packed for…
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- Cookies
Coconut Cookies (200 gms)
- ₹150.00
- Say hello to one of our most popular Cookies! Enjoy a rich Coconut taste baked to perfection and flavourful crunch in every bite like you have never experienced before. A perfect accompaniment for tea-time with family and friends. Made for everyone: Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any…
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- Cookies
Coconut Cookies 60 Gms
- ₹40.00
- Say hello to one of our most popular Cookies! Enjoy a rich Coconut taste baked to perfection and flavourful crunch in every bite like you have never experienced before. A perfect accompaniment for tea-time with family and friends. Made for everyone: Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any…
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- Cookies
Cornflakes Cookies (200gms)
- ₹150.00
- Your favourite breakfast now in a Cookie! Enjoy the never-before crunchy taste of delicious Cornflakes baked to perfection. Your perfect on-the-go snack anytime, anywhere! Made for everyone : Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any religious or health concerns Anytime Snacking : Our Cookies are individually pillow packed…
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- Cookies
Cornflakes Cookies (60 gms)
- ₹45.00
- Your favourite breakfast now in a Cookie! Enjoy the never-before crunchy taste of delicious Cornflakes baked to perfection. Your perfect on-the-go snack anytime, anywhere! Made for everyone : Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any religious or health concerns Anytime Snacking : Our Cookies are individually pillow packed…
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- Biscuits
Desi Ghee Atta Biscuits (350 gms)
- ₹245.00
- Remember your childhood days with our Desi Ghee Aata Biscuits made in our original traditional recipe in pure desi ghee. Baked to perfection for a melt in your mouth taste in every bite! Loved by all ages: Our delicious range of Biscuits are a perfect amalgamation of the old world charm and the new age taste. Anytime Snacking: Our Biscuits…
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- Sweets
Desi Ghee Besan Pinni (400 gms)
- ₹300.00
- Take a trip down memory lane with a taste from your childhood! Relish our famous traditional Pinnis prepared in pure Desi ghee, loved by al ages Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative…
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- Out of Stock
- Sweets
Dodha Barfi (400 gms)
- ₹325.00
- A traditional Punjabi sweet made with milk and dry fruits crafted to perfection for a memorable taste in every bite! Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging) technology which…
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- Out of Stock
- Sweets
Dry Fruit Gur Roll
- ₹290.00
- Crisp and flaky sweet rolls made with the goodness of dry fruits andGur(jaggery) for a taste like never before! Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging) technology which increases…
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- Out of Stock
- Sweets
Dry Fruit Gur Samosa
- ₹195.00
- India’s favourite snack now available in a sweet taste! Filled with goodness of dry fruits and Gur(jaggery) Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging) technology which increases shelf life…
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- Sweets
Dry Fruit Gur Shalimar
- ₹375.00
- A specialty sweet made with Dry Fruits, Gur(jaggery) and topped with Pista chunks. Simply amazing! Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging) technology which increases shelf life without any…
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- Out of Stock
- Namkeen
Dry Fruit Kachori (250 gms)
- ₹125.00
- Relish the goodness of dry fruits now in your favourite sweet and spicy Kachori. Too yummy. Too Delicious! Perfect family Snack – Our tempting namkeensare loved by all ages. Made with premium ingredients, perfectly toasted spices and original recipes, it promises taste to remember! Treat your hunger pangs – Satisfy your snacking temptation with our appetizing range of Namkeens. Packaged…
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- Out of Stock
- Sweets
Dry Fruit Panjeeri (400 gms)
- ₹350.00
- Our popular traditional Indian festive Sweet made with a tempting mix of Almonds, Cashews, Fox nuts, Raisins and other tempting ingredients prepared in pure Desi Ghee Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative…
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- Out of Stock
- Sweets
Dry Fruit Til Rolls
- ₹290.00
- Crisp and flaky sweet rolls made from Dry Fruits, Sesame Seeds, and special Indian spices. A special treat for your loved ones Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging)…
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- Out of Stock
- Sweets
Dry Fruit Til Samosa
- ₹195.00
- India’s favourite snack now available in a sweet taste! Filled with goodness of Dry Fruits, Sesame and Gur(jaggery) Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging) technology which increases shelf…
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- Out of Stock
- Sweets
Dry Fruit Til Shalimar
- ₹375.00
- A specialty sweet made with Dry Fruits, Sesame and topped with Pista chunks. Truly, delicious! Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging) technology which increases shelf life without any…
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- Rusks
Elaichi Rusk (350 gms)
- ₹80.00
- Give your tea-time the crispy taste of our delicious Elaichi Rusks. Made with hand picked Cardamons (Elaichi) and double toasted to perfection, its an absolute cracker in bite Everyone’sfavourite: Our tempting range of Rusks are light, tasty, crunchy and loved by everyone in the family! Tea-Time Partner: Dip our double toasted Rusks in hot steaming tea. Let it soak for…
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- Out of Stock
- Sweets
Flex Seed Chana Burfi (400 gms)
- ₹299.00
- Relish your favourite Barfi with the goodness of Flex Seeds mixed with roasted Chana and milk for a delicious taste like never before! Taste of tradition - Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric…
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- Out of Stock
- Rusks
Garlic Rusk (200 gms)
- ₹160.00
- Meet our bestseller! A favourite with all ages, try our delicious Garlic Rusks for a perfect tea-time experience. Made with goodness of Garlic and double toasted to perfection for an amazing taste in every bite! Everyone’sfavourite: Our tempting range of Rusks are light, tasty, crunchy and loved by everyone in the family! Tea-Time Partner: Dip our double toasted Rusks in…
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- Sweets
Gulab Jamun (1 kg)
- ₹220.00
- Enjoy India’s favourite Gulab Jamuns in our tempting original recipe prepared to perfection for a melt in your mouth and a taste experience! Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric…
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- Sweets
Gulab Jamun (3 PCs)
- ₹50.00
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- Sweets
Gur Khasta Gajak
- ₹225.00
- A speciality Indian sweet made with goodness of Gur (Jaggery) A perfect gift for your loved ones. Specially packed with M.A.P. technology, which increases shelf life of our products naturally without using any chemicals or preservatives!
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- Sweets
Gur Rewari
- ₹175.00
- A north Indian speciality made with the goodness of Gur (jaggery) and sesame seeds. A perfect treat for your loved ones!
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- Green Tea
Herbal Green Tea
- ₹225.00
- Savour the aromatic experience of natural detoxifies enriched with the goodness of Cinnamon, Dry Ginger, Fennel and our special Herbal Mix. Premium Quality : Select mix of handpicked premium Green Tea leaves for a superior taste till the last drop Round-the-clock Freshness : Sip fresh, refreshing taste every time with our superior Box packaging Aroma Therapy : Relax your senses…
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- Biscuits
Jeera Salted Biscuits (400 gms)
- ₹160.00
- Take a trip down nostalgia lane with our Jeera Salted biscuits made in original traditional recipe, topped with crunchy Jeera flakes baked to perfection. Loved by all ages: Our delicious range of Biscuits are a perfect amalgamation of the old world charm and the new age taste. Anytime Snacking: Our Biscuits are individually pillow packed for a perfect crunch in…
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- Sweets
Kaju Katli (300 gms)
- ₹450.00
- Our signature sweet, loved by all ages.Celebrate your special moments with our Shahi Kaju Barfi made with the royal taste of premium Cashews! Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric…
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- Sweets
Kanpuri Ladoo (350 gms)
- ₹195.00
- Our special Kanpuriladoois made in our original traditional recipe, crafted to perfection for a melt in your mouth experience! Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging) technology which increases…
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- Sweets
Khasta Gajak
- ₹225.00
- Temptingly crispy and flaky Gajak, a Indian traditional sweet made with finest sesame seed and jaggery. Specially packed with M.A.P. technology, which increases shelf life of our products naturally without using any chemicals or preservatives!
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- Namkeen
Khatta Meetha (250 gms)
- ₹99.00
- Sometimes spicy.Sometimes Sweet. Just like our lives. An all time favourite tea time companion made with tempting spices for a delicious taste in every bite. Share with your favourites and make your everyday special! Perfect family Snack – Our tempting namkeens are loved by all ages. Made with premium ingredients, perfectly toasted spices and original recipes, it promises taste to…
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- Namkeen
Methi Papdi (250 gms)
- ₹99.00
- A traditional Punjabi snack loved by all ages. Relish the goodness of Methi(fenugreek) with a spicy twist. Our Mathis aretruly atea-time indulgence. Perfect family Snack – Our tempting namkeens are loved by all ages. Made with premium ingredients, perfectly toasted spices and original recipes, it promises taste to remember! Treat your hunger pangs – Satisfy your snacking temptation with our…
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- Cookies
Oats & Raisins Cookies (200 gms)
- ₹150.00
- Our Oats & Raisin cookies are made with the goodness of high quality Oats nestled with juicy rich Raisins baked to perfection for a taste like never before. A delicious quickie snack, anytime, anywhere! Made for everyone : Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any religious or health…
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- Cookies
Oats & Raisins Cookies (60 gms)
- ₹45.00
- Our Oats & Raisin cookies are made with the goodness of high quality Oats nestled with juicy rich Raisins baked to perfection for a taste like never before. A delicious quickie snack, anytime, anywhere! Made for everyone : Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any religious or health…
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- Cookies
Italian Biscotti (200 gms)
- ₹200.00
- Truly european! Rich Pistachios, Almonds and our special Twice-Baked recipe for a Perfect-For-Dipping experience.
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- Organic Cookies
Organic Almond Roasted Cookies
- Our tempting Organic Almond Roasted Cookies are loved by all ages. Made with choicest premium toasted almonds with hints of honey in every crunchy bite! .main-div { text-align: center; margin: 0px auto; padding: 5px; border-radius: 10px; } .block { padding: 5px; float: left; width: 25%; } .block img { width: 80%; } .block:hover { transform: scale(1.3); color: #D8AA78; } .block…
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- Organic Cookies
Organic Amaranth Mixed Dry Fruit
- A protein champion, our Organic Amaranth Cookies are enriched with premium dry fruits, Calcium, Iron, Fiber and a delightful taste. A perfect healthy cracker for all moments! .main-div { text-align: center; margin: 0px auto; padding: 5px; border-radius: 10px; } .block { padding: 5px; float: left; width: 25%; } .block img { width: 80%; } .block:hover { transform: scale(1.3); color: #D8AA78;…
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- Organic Cookies
Organic Amarnath Cookies
- A protein champion, our Organic Amaranth Crackers are enriched with Calcium, Iron, Fiber and a delightful taste. A perfect healthy cracker for all moments! .main-div { text-align: center; margin: 0px auto; padding: 5px; border-radius: 10px; } .block { padding: 5px; float: left; width: 25%; } .block img { width: 80%; } .block:hover { transform: scale(1.3); color: #D8AA78; } .block span…
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- Sweets
Pista Rewari
- ₹165.00
- A north Indian speciality sweet made with goodness of Pista, sesame seeds and jaggery . A perfect gift for your loved ones! Specially packed with M.A.P. technology, which increases shelf life of our products naturally without using any chemicals or preservatives!
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- Namkeen
Pudina Mathi (250 gms)
- ₹99.00
- A mazedar snack with an amazing twist of Pudhiana, crushed black pepper and our special Punjabi twist! Your perfect timepass partner and an ideal serve for your loved ones Perfect family Snack – Our tempting namkeens are loved by all ages. Made with premium ingredients, perfectly toasted spices and original recipes, it promises taste to remember! Treat your hunger pangs…
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- Sweets
Punjabi Panjeeri Ladoo (350 gms)
- ₹199.00
- Our specialty sweet made with premium mix of Almonds, Cashews, Raisins, Fox Nuts and other premium dry fruits rolled into perfect melt in your mouth Ladoos. Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative…
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- Sweets
Rasgulla (1 kg)
- ₹220.00
- Enjoy soft, succulent khoya cottage ball Rasgullas dipped in sugar syrup. A tempting treat for all occasions Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging) technology which increases shelf life…
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- Sweets
Rasgulla (3 PCs)
- ₹50.00
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- Sweets
Roasted Chana Ladoo (350 gms)
- ₹250.00
- Made with tempting wholesome Chana shaped into delicious Ladoos for a delicious taste in every bite! Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging) technology which increases shelf life without…
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- Sweets
Soan Papdi (400 gms)
- ₹190.00
- Crispy, flaky, crunchy and ready to melt in your mouth! A classic Indian sweet loved by all ages. Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging) technology which increases shelf…
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- Sweets
Special Milk Cake (400 gms)
- ₹300.00
- Take a trip down nostalgia lane with our special Milk cake made with the goodness of Milk, Cardamom and loads of love Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging)…
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- Rusks
Suji Rusk (350 gms)
- ₹80.00
- Enjoy the taste of Rusks now in the goodness of Suji . Made with premium ingredients and double toasted to perfection, you’ll love the deliciously crunchy experience Everyone’sfavourite: Our tempting range of Rusks are light, tasty, crunchy and loved by everyone in the family! Tea-Time Partner: Dip our double toasted Rusks in hot steaming tea. Let it soak for a…
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- Sale!
- Subscription
The Family Fun Combo Pack (3 Months)
₹2,100.00Original price was: ₹2,100.00.₹1,995.00Current price is: ₹1,995.00. - • Add the perfect crunch to your tea-time with our 100% Eggless Cookies Combo Pack • Enjoy melt-in-your-mouth flavours of Chocochip, Almonds Roasted, Oats & Raisin and Butter Pista! • Every Cookie is individually pillow-packed for a perfect taste in every bite, anytime, anywhere • Loved by all ages! Share with your family, treat your friends and serve to guests…
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- Sale!
- Subscription
The Family Fun Combo Pack (6 Months)
₹4,200.00Original price was: ₹4,200.00.₹3,780.00Current price is: ₹3,780.00. - • Add the perfect crunch to your tea-time with our 100% Eggless Cookies Combo Pack • Enjoy melt-in-your-mouth flavours of Chocochip, Almonds Roasted, Oats & Raisin and Butter Pista! • Every Cookie is individually pillow-packed for a perfect taste in every bite, anytime, anywhere • Loved by all ages! Share with your family, treat your friends and serve to guests…
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- Sale!
- Subscription
The Happiness Combo Pack (3 Months)
₹2,145.00Original price was: ₹2,145.00.₹2,037.75Current price is: ₹2,037.75. - • Add the perfect crunch to your tea-time with our 100% Eggless Cookies& Biscuits Combo Pack • Enjoy the sweet & salty flavours of delicious Jeera and Aiwain Salted Biscuits, Desi Ghee Aata Biscuit and Coconut Cookies! • Every piece is individually pillow-packed for a perfect taste in every bite, anytime, anywhere • Loved by all ages! Share with your…
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- Sale!
- Subscription
The Happiness Combo Pack (6 Months)
₹4,290.00Original price was: ₹4,290.00.₹3,861.00Current price is: ₹3,861.00. - • Add the perfect crunch to your tea-time with our 100% Eggless Cookies& Biscuits Combo Pack • Enjoy the sweet & salty flavours of delicious Jeera and Aiwain Salted Biscuits, Desi Ghee Aata Biscuit and Coconut Cookies! • Every piece is individually pillow-packed for a perfect taste in every bite, anytime, anywhere • Loved by all ages! Share with your…
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