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- Sweets
Roasted Chana Ladoo (350 gms)
- ₹250.00
- Made with tempting wholesome Chana shaped into delicious Ladoos for a delicious taste in every bite! Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging) technology which increases shelf life without…
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- Sweets
Soan Papdi (400 gms)
- ₹190.00
- Crispy, flaky, crunchy and ready to melt in your mouth! A classic Indian sweet loved by all ages. Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging) technology which increases shelf…
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- Sweets
Special Milk Cake (400 gms)
- ₹300.00
- Take a trip down nostalgia lane with our special Milk cake made with the goodness of Milk, Cardamom and loads of love Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging)…
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- Rusks
Suji Rusk (350 gms)
- ₹80.00
- Enjoy the taste of Rusks now in the goodness of Suji . Made with premium ingredients and double toasted to perfection, you’ll love the deliciously crunchy experience Everyone’sfavourite: Our tempting range of Rusks are light, tasty, crunchy and loved by everyone in the family! Tea-Time Partner: Dip our double toasted Rusks in hot steaming tea. Let it soak for a…
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- Subscription
The Family Fun Combo Pack (3 Months)
₹2,100.00Original price was: ₹2,100.00.₹1,995.00Current price is: ₹1,995.00. - • Add the perfect crunch to your tea-time with our 100% Eggless Cookies Combo Pack • Enjoy melt-in-your-mouth flavours of Chocochip, Almonds Roasted, Oats & Raisin and Butter Pista! • Every Cookie is individually pillow-packed for a perfect taste in every bite, anytime, anywhere • Loved by all ages! Share with your family, treat your friends and serve to guests…
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- Subscription
The Family Fun Combo Pack (6 Months)
₹4,200.00Original price was: ₹4,200.00.₹3,780.00Current price is: ₹3,780.00. - • Add the perfect crunch to your tea-time with our 100% Eggless Cookies Combo Pack • Enjoy melt-in-your-mouth flavours of Chocochip, Almonds Roasted, Oats & Raisin and Butter Pista! • Every Cookie is individually pillow-packed for a perfect taste in every bite, anytime, anywhere • Loved by all ages! Share with your family, treat your friends and serve to guests…
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- Sale!
- Subscription
The Happiness Combo Pack (3 Months)
₹2,145.00Original price was: ₹2,145.00.₹2,037.75Current price is: ₹2,037.75. - • Add the perfect crunch to your tea-time with our 100% Eggless Cookies& Biscuits Combo Pack • Enjoy the sweet & salty flavours of delicious Jeera and Aiwain Salted Biscuits, Desi Ghee Aata Biscuit and Coconut Cookies! • Every piece is individually pillow-packed for a perfect taste in every bite, anytime, anywhere • Loved by all ages! Share with your…
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- Sale!
- Subscription
The Happiness Combo Pack (6 Months)
₹4,290.00Original price was: ₹4,290.00.₹3,861.00Current price is: ₹3,861.00. - • Add the perfect crunch to your tea-time with our 100% Eggless Cookies& Biscuits Combo Pack • Enjoy the sweet & salty flavours of delicious Jeera and Aiwain Salted Biscuits, Desi Ghee Aata Biscuit and Coconut Cookies! • Every piece is individually pillow-packed for a perfect taste in every bite, anytime, anywhere • Loved by all ages! Share with your…
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