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- Sweets
Flex Seed Chana Burfi (400 gms)
- ₹299.00
- Relish your favourite Barfi with the goodness of Flex Seeds mixed with roasted Chana and milk for a delicious taste like never before! Taste of tradition - Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric…
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- Rusks
Garlic Rusk (200 gms)
- ₹160.00
- Meet our bestseller! A favourite with all ages, try our delicious Garlic Rusks for a perfect tea-time experience. Made with goodness of Garlic and double toasted to perfection for an amazing taste in every bite! Everyone’sfavourite: Our tempting range of Rusks are light, tasty, crunchy and loved by everyone in the family! Tea-Time Partner: Dip our double toasted Rusks in…
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- Sweets
Gulab Jamun (1 kg)
- ₹220.00
- Enjoy India’s favourite Gulab Jamuns in our tempting original recipe prepared to perfection for a melt in your mouth and a taste experience! Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric…
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- Sweets
Gulab Jamun (3 PCs)
- ₹50.00
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- Sweets
Gur Khasta Gajak
- ₹225.00
- A speciality Indian sweet made with goodness of Gur (Jaggery) A perfect gift for your loved ones. Specially packed with M.A.P. technology, which increases shelf life of our products naturally without using any chemicals or preservatives!
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- Sweets
Gur Rewari
- ₹175.00
- A north Indian speciality made with the goodness of Gur (jaggery) and sesame seeds. A perfect treat for your loved ones!
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- Green Tea
Herbal Green Tea
- ₹225.00
- Savour the aromatic experience of natural detoxifies enriched with the goodness of Cinnamon, Dry Ginger, Fennel and our special Herbal Mix. Premium Quality : Select mix of handpicked premium Green Tea leaves for a superior taste till the last drop Round-the-clock Freshness : Sip fresh, refreshing taste every time with our superior Box packaging Aroma Therapy : Relax your senses…
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- Biscuits
Jeera Salted Biscuits (400 gms)
- ₹160.00
- Take a trip down nostalgia lane with our Jeera Salted biscuits made in original traditional recipe, topped with crunchy Jeera flakes baked to perfection. Loved by all ages: Our delicious range of Biscuits are a perfect amalgamation of the old world charm and the new age taste. Anytime Snacking: Our Biscuits are individually pillow packed for a perfect crunch in…
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- Sweets
Kaju Katli (300 gms)
- ₹450.00
- Our signature sweet, loved by all ages.Celebrate your special moments with our Shahi Kaju Barfi made with the royal taste of premium Cashews! Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric…
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- Sweets
Kanpuri Ladoo (350 gms)
- ₹195.00
- Our special Kanpuriladoois made in our original traditional recipe, crafted to perfection for a melt in your mouth experience! Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging) technology which increases…
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- Sweets
Khasta Gajak
- ₹225.00
- Temptingly crispy and flaky Gajak, a Indian traditional sweet made with finest sesame seed and jaggery. Specially packed with M.A.P. technology, which increases shelf life of our products naturally without using any chemicals or preservatives!
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- Namkeen
Khatta Meetha (250 gms)
- ₹99.00
- Sometimes spicy.Sometimes Sweet. Just like our lives. An all time favourite tea time companion made with tempting spices for a delicious taste in every bite. Share with your favourites and make your everyday special! Perfect family Snack – Our tempting namkeens are loved by all ages. Made with premium ingredients, perfectly toasted spices and original recipes, it promises taste to…
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