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- Cookies
Butter Pista Cookies (200 gms)
- ₹200.00
- Our Butter Pista Cookies are crunchy, buttery, tasteful and made in tempting squares. Filled with premium Pista chunks (Pistachios) and baked to perfect golden browns for a flavourful taste in every bite! Made for everyone: Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any religious or health concerns Anytime Snacking:…
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- Special Gift Packs
Butter Pista Cookies (250g)
- ₹375.00
- A collection of crunchy, buttery, tasteful Butter Pista Cookies made in tempting squares. Filled with premium Pista chunks (Pistachios) and baked to perfect golden browns for a flavourful taste in every bite! Premium Packaging : Our luxurious packaging makes it a perfect gift for every occasion! Celebration Themes : Choose from our collection of special Festive designs and delight your…
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- Cookies
Butter Pista Cookies 60 Gms
- ₹60.00
- Our Butter Pista Cookies are crunchy, buttery, tasteful and made in tempting squares. Filled with premium Pista chunks (Pistachios) and baked to perfect golden browns for a flavourful taste in every bite! Made for everyone: Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any religious or health concerns Anytime Snacking:…
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- Namkeen
Chakli Sticks (250 gms)
- ₹125.00
- Enjoy our zesty Chakli sticks for a delicious sweet and spicy snack anytime, anywhere. Tossed with premium spices and baked to perfection for a mesmerizing taste in every bite Perfect family Snack – Our tempting namkeens are loved by all ages. Made with premium ingredients, perfectly toasted spices and original recipes, it promises taste to remember! Treat your hunger pangs…
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- Sweets
Kaju Choco Burfi
- ₹350.00
- A perfect mix of tradition and modern. Taste mesmerizing Chocolate now in your favouriteBarfi Taste of tradition – Relish a mouth watering taste from the home of the iconic Lovely Sweets loved by generations and winning hearts for over 50 years now! M.A.P Technology - Packaged with innovative M.A.P (Modified Atmospheric Packaging) technology which increases shelf life without any additional…
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- Cookies
Chocochip Cookies (200 gms)
- ₹150.00
- Meet our best seller! A delicious medley of Chocolate and Cookie oozing with melt-in-your-mouth Chocochips baked to perfection for an amazing taste in every bite! Made for everyone: Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any religious or health concerns Anytime Snacking: Our Cookies are individually pillow packed for…
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- Special Gift Packs
Chocochip Cookies (250g)
- ₹325.00
- Meet our best seller! A delicious medley of Chocolate and Cookie oozing with melt-in-your-mouth Chocochips baked to perfection for an amazing taste in every bite! Premium Packaging : Our luxurious packaging makes it a perfect gift for every occasion! Celebration Themes : Choose from our collection of special Festive designs and delight your loved ones Loved by all ages :…
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- Cookies
Chocochip Cookies (60 gms)
- ₹45.00
- Meet our best seller! A delicious medley of Chocolate and Cookie oozing with melt-in-your-mouth Chocochips baked to perfection for an amazing taste in every bite! Made for everyone: Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any religious or health concerns Anytime Snacking: Our Cookies are individually pillow packed for…
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- Cookies
Coconut Cookies (200 gms)
- ₹150.00
- Say hello to one of our most popular Cookies! Enjoy a rich Coconut taste baked to perfection and flavourful crunch in every bite like you have never experienced before. A perfect accompaniment for tea-time with family and friends. Made for everyone: Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any…
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- Cookies
Coconut Cookies 60 Gms
- ₹40.00
- Say hello to one of our most popular Cookies! Enjoy a rich Coconut taste baked to perfection and flavourful crunch in every bite like you have never experienced before. A perfect accompaniment for tea-time with family and friends. Made for everyone: Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any…
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- Cookies
Cornflakes Cookies (200gms)
- ₹150.00
- Your favourite breakfast now in a Cookie! Enjoy the never-before crunchy taste of delicious Cornflakes baked to perfection. Your perfect on-the-go snack anytime, anywhere! Made for everyone : Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any religious or health concerns Anytime Snacking : Our Cookies are individually pillow packed…
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- Cookies
Cornflakes Cookies (60 gms)
- ₹45.00
- Your favourite breakfast now in a Cookie! Enjoy the never-before crunchy taste of delicious Cornflakes baked to perfection. Your perfect on-the-go snack anytime, anywhere! Made for everyone : Our exclusive range of Cookies are 100% Eggless so they can be enjoyed by one and all without any religious or health concerns Anytime Snacking : Our Cookies are individually pillow packed…
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